Make Your Wordpress Site Safe With Powerful Security Checkers

Okay, you got me: WordPress security isn't the sexiest way to spend your time, but it could end up being one of the most profitable! Nothing is more caustic to the lining of your stomach than having your site go down, and wondering whether or not you've lost it all.

WordPress cloning, as it applies to fix hacked wordpress, is the act of creating an exact replica of your WordPress install. What's good is that you can do it. There are a number of reasons. Here are only a few.

Truth is, if a competent master of the script targets your own site, there is really no way to stop an intrusion. What you are about to read below are a few actions you can take to minimize the risk. Chances are a hacker would prefer choosing easier victim, another, if your WordPress site is protected.

You should also place the"Anyone Can Register" in Settings/General to away, and you should have some type of spam plugin. Akismet is the one I use, the old standby, but there are lots of them nowadays.

Another step to take to make WordPress secure is to always upgrade WordPress. The main reason behind this is that with each new upgrade there also come fixes for security holes that are older making it essential to update early.

Do your homework and some hunting, but if you're pressed for time and want to get this done once and for all, try out the WordPress safety plugin that I use. have a peek here It is a relief to know that my site (and company!) are secure.

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